Experiences of delivering lifestyle interventions using telehealth for complex chronic conditions in a tertiary hospital setting
Presented by: Associate Professor Ingrid Hickman AdvAPD, PhD Principal Research Fellow Dept Nutrition and Dietetics, PAH.
Associate Professor Ingrid Hickman is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian with a PhD in metabolic medicine from the University of Queensland. For the last 10 years she has led a multidisciplinary clinical research team as the principal research fellow with the Nutrition and Dietetic department at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Her career has focused on translating scientific evidence supporting 'food as medicine' into improved clinical care for people with chronic metabolic conditions. From mechanisms of disease progression through to patient centered co-design of health services, Associate Professor Hickman's eclectic approach to medical research aims to find solutions to health care problems and build research capacity in clinical staff.
Associate Professor Hickman and the panelists will share their experiences with testing the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing diet and exercise interventions for the treatment of complex chronic conditions in a tertiary hospital setting, with examples of previous studies conducted at the PAH and will give an update on the U-DECIDE study, which is an RCT currently underway investigating patient-led choices in the digital disruption of diet and exercise service delivery for the metabolic syndrome.
Panelists this month include:
- Mr Riley Brown, Exercise Physiologist, PhD Candidate UQ School of Human Movement and Nutrition Science
- Professor Jeff Coombes, Exercise Physiologist, UQ School of Human Movement and Nutrition Science
- Dr Jaimon Kelly, APD, PhD Research Fellow COH
- Professor Anthony Smith, Director, Centre for Online Health, CHSR (Webinar Chairperson)
- Associate Professor Liam Caffery, Telehealth Technology Director, Centre for Online Health (Webinar Moderator)
- 12.30 – 1pm (Seminar Presentation)
- 1 – 1.20pm (Panel Discussion)
Please note this meeting is a Zoom Only Webinar.
Connect using the following link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/83935236538
Participants are encouraged to send their questions to enquiries@coh.uq.edu.au and the panel members will do their best to address these.