Mahsa Haji Mohammad Hosseini

BSc of Nursing, MSc of Medical-Surgical Nursing, PhD Candidate
Mahsa is a PhD Candidate with the Centre for Online Health at The University of Queensland. Her PhD research is centred around cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs.
Mahsa is a cardiovascular nurse, Public Health Professional and Academic. She has worked as an Assistant Professor in a teaching stream, and Clinical Instructor in Paramedicine and Nursing schools in Iran for more than 10 years. Also, she has worked as a part-time faculty member in the Spiritual Health Research Center in Iran.
Her research skills include project management, research methodology, analysis, and reporting. Her contribution to research has been recognized as the "Top Researcher of Qom University of Medical Sciences" in 2021. Further, she was the Chair of the Faculty’s Student Research Committee to assist student research in Iran.
Research Interests
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation/New Learning methods/Psychological disorders in nursing students and health care providers
Journal Articles
(Journal articles have been grouped according to research area)
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
1. Goudarzi Rad, M., Ghanbari-Afra, L., Hoseini, M. H. M., Afra, M. G., & Asayesh, H. (2021). Effectiveness of self-care program on the quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing cardiac rehabilitation: A Randomized clinical trial. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_70_21 (Role: Data Coordinator)
2. Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Ghanbari Afra, L., Ghanbari Afra, M., & Goudarzi Rad, M. (2020). Impact of Self-care Educational Program on Sexual Function among Ischemic Heart Disease Patients. Journal of Vessels and Circulation, 1(1), 13-18. (Role: Principal Investigator)
3. Hoseini, M. H. M., Afra, L. G., Asayesh, H., Goudarzi, M., & Afra, M. G. (2018). The effect of Self-care educational program on sexual function and quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease. J Res Med Dental Sci, 6(1), 226-35. (Role: Principal Investigator
4. Ghanbari Afra, L. Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M (2020). Implementing Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in a Patient With Heart Failure: A Case Study. Journal of Vessels and Circulation, 1(4), 45-52. (Role: Corresponding Author)
5. Haji Mohammad Hoseini M, Ghanbari Afra L , Ghanbari Afra M , Taghadosi M , Afshar Vala Z, Yeganehkhah MR. (2020). Sexual Satisfaction Based on Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, 19, 439-447 URL: (Role: Principal Investigator)
6. HEIDARI, M., GHANBARIAFRA, L., HAJI MOHAMMAD HOSEINI, M., AMANIYAN, S. & GHANBARI AFRA, M. (2020). Association between the Quality of Marital Relationship and Marital Stress in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Journal of Vessels and Circulation, 1, 28-32 URL: (Role: Data Coordinator)
Prehospital emergency:
7. Azadeh MR, Gaeni M, Hamta A, Haji Mohammad Hoseini M, Parvaresh Masoud M. Comparison of Vital Signs of traffic Accident Patients Transferred by Air and Ground Ambulance: Propensity Score Matching. Health in Emergencies and Disasters Quarterly. 2024; 9(3):201-210. (Role: Research Assistant)
8. Farhadloo, R., Chavoshi, M., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M, Parvaresh-Masoud, M. & Azade, M. R. (2020). Patient Satisfaction With Pre-hospital Emergency Care in Qom Province in 2017. Health in Emergencies and Disasters, 5(2), 99-104. URL: (Role: Data Coordinator)
9. Parvaresh-Masoud, M., Asayesh, H., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M., Bagheri, M. J. & jamshidi, M. (2017). Epidemiology of road accident death in Qom province, 2014 (Iran). Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 11, 94-100. URL: (Role: Data Coordinator)
Well-being of Healthcare Professionals and Students:
10. Sharififard F, Haji Mohammad Hoseini M, Farsi M, Mehdipour A, Tahmasebi F, Heidarpoor A. Investigating the Relationship between Burnout Education with Self-Efficacy and Academic Motivation of Students. Research in Medical Education. (2023);15(2):5-14. (Role: Corresponding Author)
11. Sharififardd, F., Nazari, N., Asayesh, H., Ghanbari Afra, L., Goudarzi Rad, M., Shakeri, M. Haji Mohammad Hoseini M & Ghodrati, M. (2021). Evaluation of psychological disorders in nurses facing patients with Covid 19 in 2020. Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 15(2), 76-83. (Role: Corresponding Author)
12. Farhadloo, R., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M et al., (2024). "Prevalence of Workplace Conflicts and the Used Coping Strategies Among Nurses in Teaching Hospitals in Qom City, Iran: A Cross-sectional Study Journal of Holistic Nursing And Midwifery." 34(1): 21-28. DOI: 10.32598/jhnm.34.1.2506 (Role: Research Assistant)
13. sharififard, F., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M., et al. (2023). "The Correlation of Academic Motivation and Self-efficacy with Academic Burnout among Undergraduate Students of Anesthesiology and Operating room of Qom University of Medical Sciences. Horizon of Medical Education Development." 14(3): 60-71. DOI: 10.22038/HMED.2022.65950.1225 (Role: Corresponding Author)
14. Hosseinpour, A., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M., et al. (2022). "The Correlation Between Communication Skills with Self-efficacy and Clinical Competence of Operating Room Students of Qom Paramedical School. Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal." 16(6): 476-487. (Role: Research Assistant)
15. F Sharififard, H Asayesh, Haji Mohammad Hoseini M, ZT Kharameh, M Erfanifar, others (2022) The association of stress resilience and humor among medical students. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. 9(2), 111-115. DOI: 10.4103/jnms.jnms_132_20 (Role: Corresponding Author)
16. M Haji Mohammad Hoseini, F Sharififard, F Kobrai-Abkenar, M Farsi, others (2022) The correlation of motivation and self-efficacy with academic burnout among students of anesthesiology and operating room of Qom University of Medical Sciences. Horizons of Medical Education Development. DOI: 10.22038/HMED.2022.65950.1225 (Role: Principal Investigator)
17. MHM Hoseini, H Asayesh, S Amaniyan, F Sharififard, A Elahi, SY Kopaie (2021) Role conflict and role ambiguity as predictors of turnover intention among nurses. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. 8(1), 49-53. DOI: 10.4103/JNMS.JNMS_62_20 (Role: Principal Investigator)
18. Sharififard, F., Asayesh, H., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M. (2020). Motivation, self-efficacy, stress, and academic performance correlation with academic burnout among nursing students. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 7(2), 88-93. DOI: 10.4103/JNMS.JNMS_30_19 (Role: Corresponding Author)
19. Sharififard, F., Haji Mohammad Hoseini M., Akbari, V., Asayesh, H. (2019). The Tendency to Leave Nursing Profession and Some Related Factors at the Therapeutic and Educational Centers of Qom City,(Iran). Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 13(1), 70-77. DOI: 10.29252/qums.13.1.70 (Role: Research Assistant)
20. Taheri-Kharameh, Z., Sharififard, F., Asayesh, H., Sepahvandi, M. & Haji Mohammad Hoseini M. (2018). Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and Motivation among Medical Science Students. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 12(7),7-10. (Role: sampling)
21. Arani, A. A. Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M, Hamzeei, F. (2018). The correlation between spiritual health and pleasure in students of Qom University of Medical Sciences (Iran). Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics, 5, 15-19. URL: (Role: Corresponding Author)
22. Asayesh, H. & Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M. (2017). Study of association between social adjustment and spiritual health in Qom University of Medical Sciences students. Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics, 4, 28-32. URL: (Role: sampling)
23. Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Ghanbari Afra, L., Aliakbarzade Arani, Z. & Abdi, M. (2017). Mental health and job burnout among pre-hospital emergency care personnel. Health in Emergencies and Disasters, 2, 89-94. URL: (Role: Principal Investigator)
24. Sharififard, F., Taheri-Kharameh, Z., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M. & Sepahvandi, M (2017). The Amount of Research Interest in the Students of Qom University of Medical Sciences in 2016 (Iran). Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 11, 90-97. URL: (Role: Research Assistant)
25. Ghareboghloo, Z., Adib-Hajbagheri, M. & Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M. (2016). The relationship between spiritual well-being and depression in nursing students. Iran Journal of Nursing, 29, 41-50. URL: (Role: Research Assistant)
26. Sharififard, F., Norozi, K., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Asayesh, H., Norozi, M. (2014). The relationship between academic burnout and academic self-efficacy among nursing and paramedics college students. Journal of Urmia Nursing And Midwifery Faculty, 12, 792-799. URL: (Role: sampling)
Clinical Education:
27. S Ghiyasvandian, M Haji Mohammad Hoseini, H Asayesh, R Sadeghi, others (2021)
The effect of team-based learning on students' learning and motivation of Students of medical emergency in the triage lesson. Horizons of Medical Education Development. 12(1), 34-43. DOI: 10.22038/HMED.2020.50081.1053 (Role: Data Coordinator)
28. Arani, Z. A., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Afra, L. G. (2019). The effect of teaching on team-based learning and group discussion on learning and academic motivation of operating room students in the technology of gastrointestinal surgery lesson. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 6(2), 72-77. DOI: 10.4103/JNMS.JNMS_61_18 (Role: Corresponding Author)
29. Farhadloo, R., Kashani-nejad, M., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Vahedian, M. & Parvaresh-masoud, M. (2018). Investigating the Effect of Training with the Method of Simulation on the Knowledge and Performance of Nursing Students in the Pre-Hospital Triage. Health in Emergencies and Disasters, 3, 123-130. URL: (Role: Research Assistant)
30. The correlation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy with communication skills of a group of medical students. Sharififard, F., Haji Mohammad Hosseini, M., Asayesh, H. Erfanifar, M. "Education Strategies in Medical Sciences"(accepted)
Critical care:
31. Goudarzi Rad, M., MHM Hoseini et al., (2023) The Effect of Auditory Stimulation with Job Sound on Consciousness Level in Comatose Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Goudarzi Rad, M., ZakeriMoghadam, M., Esmaeili M., Haji Mohammad Hosseini, M., Hamta, A. "Journal of holistic nursing and midwifery". DOI: 10.32598/jhnm.33.2.2292 (Role: Data Coordinator)
32. Parvaresh, M., MHM Hoseini et al., (2023). "Investigating the risk factors in unplanned endotracheal tube removal in adult patients of intensive care units of shahid Beheshti hospital of Qom, Iran in 2021. J Studies in Medical Sciences." 34(3): 139-148. DOI: 10.61186/umj.34.3.139 (Role: Research Assistant)
33. Akbari, V., Asayesh, H., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Sharififard, F., Shahidi, M., & Goudarzi Rad, M. (2020). Needs of Family with Hospitalized Infant in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Comparison between Mothers’ and Nurses’ Viewpoint. Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 14(3), 10-18. (Role: sampling)
34. Pouyesh, V., Amaniyan, S., Haji Mohammad Hoseini, M., Bashari, Y., Sieloff, C., Griffiths, P. & Vaismoradi, M. (2018). The effects of environmental factors in waiting rooms on anxiety among patients undergoing coronary angiography: A randomized controlled trial. International journal of nursing practice, 24(6), e12682. (Role: Research Assistant)
35. Mojtaba, M., Hesein, R., Mohammad, P., Mostafa, Q., Hamid, A., MAHSA, H. & Mohammad, S. (2019). Perceived informational needs of families of patients hospitalized in intensive care units from the perspective of family members and intensive care nurses. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 11, 1095-1099. (Role: Research Assistant)
Other Areas:
36. AD Kakhki, M Ghazvinian, M Pazokian, MHM Hoseini (2022) Evaluation of the incidence of errors and related factors in the use of blood glucose control medications in an elderly population with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. 9(1),52-57. DOI: 10.4103/jnms.jnms_135_20 (Role: sampling)
37. ER Ghomi, F Khosravi, A Mohseni-M, N Nourbakhsh, MHM Hoseini, others (2021)
A collection of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) detection assays, issues, and challenges. Heliyon. 7(6). (Role: Research Assistant)
38. Afra, L. G., Afkhami, H., Khaledi, M., Fathi, J., Taghadosi, R., HOSEINI, M. H. M., & Heidari, M. (2021). Detection of H. pylori in tissues with benign prostatic hyperplasia isolates from hospitalized patient in Qom, Iran. Gene Reports, 23, 1011. (Role: Research Assistant)