Palliative Care ECHO commences their first Project ECHO session.

4 May 2022

The University of Queensland (UQ), in collaboration with Queensland Health and OurPHN, launched the first Palliative Care ECHO session!  Palliative Care ECHO is the latest addition to the Project ECHO series coordinated by The Centre for Online Health, UQ. It is led by Dr Helen Haydon (Centre for Online Health, UQ); Associate Professor Graham Grove (Queensland Health Specialist Palliative Care Rural Telehealth Service; SPaRTa), Professor Elizabeth Reymond (Queensland Health PallConsult) and Ms Paige Martinez (OurPHN).
Palliative Care ECHO is a series of interactive case based virtual mentoring sessions that address a range of palliative care topics. Sessions include discussions of deidentified cases, and 10-minute lectures aimed at increasing palliative care knowledge, skills, and confidence in primary care health professionals. The ECHO sessions are a virtual network designed to create a ‘learning loop’ between health professionals with the aim of increasing knowledge and access to health care in local, rural, and remote communities.

Over the next few months these ECHO sessions will discuss and share information around culturally appropriate care, symptom management, advanced care planning, clinical pain management, and end of life care.  If you would like to participate and join the ECHO community, please click on and follow the links below.


