In March 2020, additional telehealth item numbers were added to the Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) to encourage physical distancing, for those accessing medical, nursing and allied health services during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The University of Queensland’s Centre for Online Health (COH) has analysed the MBS service data and summarised telehealth uptake throughout Australia. 

Key statistics for 2023

MBS infographic

2023 data presented by clinical group

Allied Health Consultations

Specialist Consultations

Nurse Practitioner Consultations

Mental Health Consultations

General Practitioner Consultations

Psychiatrist Consultations


Recent publications on this topic by COH

Suggested citation for this webpage: Snoswell, C.L., Caffery, L.J., Taylor, M.L., Mendis, R., Haydon, H.M., Thomas, E., Smith, A.C. Centre for Online Health, The University of Queensland. Telehealth and coronavirus: Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) activity in Australia. Published April 16, 2024. Accessed_______.

Permission to use the MBS activity images presented here: Permission can be sought via Please provide the intended purpose for use (commercial, non-commercial, educational) and audience.

If you would like further details about the information behind these graphs please read this PDF document.

All data was sourced from the Medicare Item Reports website published by the Australian Government (, you will find further information about the data reporting and disclaimers on this website.

Last updated: 17 April 2024