Evaluating an ECHO-based model to upskill health professional involved in perinatal and infant mental health services
The Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health has commissioned the Centre for Online Health to evaluate a novel telepsychiatry service: e-PIMH Telepsychiatry is a secondary telehealth-delivered psychiatric consultancy service, working with local service providers to enhance non-clinical support to affected young parents. This is achieved by facilitating local referral pathways and providing tailored training and education. As such, e-PIMH Telepsychiatry builds skills and knowledge within the local workforce with the aim to reduce the need for specialist services in these areas.
This study focuses on two main research questions:
- What works well about this new model of care?
- How transferable is the e-PIMH Telepsychiatry model of care to other services?
Implementation of e-PIMH Telepsychiatry will facilitate specialist services to rural and remote areas without the need to travel, with the ultimate aim to help parents and carers of infants/children aged 0-4 years living in regional, rural, and remote Queensland with their mental health needs. Evaluation of the service will enable its improvement and inform roll-out to other HHSs within Queensland and ultimately may improve patient care.