Researcher biography

Professor Anthony Smith is the Director of The University of Queensland's Centre for Online Health (COH), and Adjunct Professor at the Hans Christian Anderson Children's Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, in Odense, Denmark.

Professor Smith is also the Editor in Chief for the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare (Sage Publishers, London; 5y Impact Factor 4.9).

Professor Smith has more than 20 years of research experience, resulting in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a broad range of telehealth (virtual care) services around Australia. Specific research interests include the feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of telehealth services in the public health system; genuine consumer engagement; and novel strategies to support our health workforce and telehealth adoption. His research has led to the development of pioneering virtual care services in Australia, including prominent statewide hospital-based telehealth programs in Queensland, wireless (robot) videoconference systems for remote consultations; and a community-based (and telehealth supported) health screening programme for Indigenous children in Queensland. Current projects focus on the integration of telehealth and virtual care services in residential aged care settings; evaluation of community-led First Nations health services; the delivery of video-based rehabilitation services to children in rural and remote primary schools; telementoring services for health professionals in primary care; and discipline specific clinical telehealth services.

Professor Smith chairs the annual International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth conference. He was the former President of the Australasian Telehealth Society (ATHS) [2013-2015]; and ATHS committee member [2008-2024]. In the field of telehealth and virtual care, Prof Smith has over 230 publications, including 210 peer-reviewed journal papers, three edited books and 13 book chapters on related topics. Whilst the field remains highly specialised in comparison to other disciplines, his work is cited over 2000 times each year.

Professor Smith also provides an extensive range of consultancy services for government agencies and corporate industry partners in the field of telehealth, digital health and virtual healthcare.

Recent Awards:

1. Public Engagement and Community-led Research (including Citizen Science) Award, The University of Queensland Research Culture Awards, 2024.

2. Top Researcher in the field of "Medical Informatics"- for work involving telehealth, digital health and virtual care. The Australian Research Awards, 2023

3. Commendation, Academic Leader of the Year, UQ Faculty of Medicine Excellence Awards, The University of Queensland, 2023

4. Excellence in Indigenous Engagement Award - for "enhancing access to specialist health services through the use of telehealth for First Nations people. Engagement Australia Excellence Awards, 2021

5. Spirit of Reconciliation Award - for building research and community partnerships in Queensland. UQ Faculty of Medicine Excellence Awards, The University of Queensaland, 2021

Featured projects Duration
Goondir Health Virtual Health Service
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN
Palliative Care ECHO
Investigating the equity of access to telehealth and proposing strategies to reduce digital divide
The University of Queensland
First Nations Hepatitis C treatment
Queensland Health
Understanding the needs for digital health education for future Australian medical practitioners
Telepalliative Care and Gold Coast Hospital
Metro South Health
Telepalliative Care and Queensland Ambulance Service
Metro South Health
ePIMH Telepsychiatry
Children’s Health Queensland/Children’s Health Foundation
First Nations telediabetes
Diamond Jubilee Partnerships
Cherbourg ENT
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
State-wide Rural and Remote Supportive and Specialist Palliative Care Telehealth Service Evaluation
Queensland Health
Australian Government, Department of Health: Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme Emerging Priorities grant
Evaluation of the Growing Resilience Program - Peer Support for Mental Wellness
Queensland Health
Telehealth for the delivery of cancer care in Australia: A rapid assessment of telehealth use and barriers and enablers to uptake during the COVID-19 pandemic
Commonwealth Government represented by Cancer Australia