First Nations telediabetes

January 2015December 2018
Diamond Jubilee Partnerships

This PhD project will evaluate the effectiveness of telediabetes services for remote First Nations communities in Cunnamulla and Charleville. The aim is to provide a holistic perspective of the value of the service to First Nations patients. Multiple aspects of the interactions between patients and clinicians using telehealth will be assessed.

Community support from elders and the officials of Aboriginal Medical Services where telediabetes appointments are held was received prior to initiation of the study. Since 2015, some communities have been able to access specialist diabetes services through appointments facilitated by the Princess Alexandra Hospital Telehealth Centre. Clinicians use videoconferencing to diagnose, treat and follow up with patients. This allows patients to manage their condition without having to travel to a city-based tertiary hospital.

The aim is to demonstrate that telehealth is effective, appropriate and increases access to quality health services for First Nations people living remotely with diabetes. It is hoped that the findings support future funding for telehealth initiatives in First Nations communities and lead to the expanded use of telehealth in other clinical specialties. 

Project members

Associate Professor Liam Caffery

Principal Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research