Recording blood glucose levels

January 2016December 2018

This project is trialling smartphone apps to help people living with diabetes to record their blood glucose records. A randomised controlled trial is being used to assess the proposed benefits of using smartphones over traditional paper records, including convenience and better glycaemic control. We will also be exploring the best designs to ensure the software is simple and engaging to use. This includes ‘gamifying’ the app. 

The primary measure of success will be a positive change in glycaemic control (measured by HbA1c) over six months. A key aim is to formally establish an evidence base for increasing the use of smartphones and existing apps to deliver health services, helping patients to manage their conditions. It is also hoped that the trial may motivate health service providers to develop similar software specific to their speciality areas.

The research is part of COH PhD candidate Anthony Deacon’s degree project.

Project members

Dr Sisira Edirippulige

Associate Professor
Centre for Health Services Research