Researcher biography

Liam is an Associate Professor in Telehealth and Director of Telehealth Technology for the University of Queensland's Centre for Online Health.

Liam has a PhD in Medicine. His research is centred on pragmatic trials of telehealth services. Liam has a special interest in the use of telehealth for Indigenous health and rural health care delivery. He is involved in telehealth service development, delivery and evaluation across a broad range of telehealth services. Liam uses implementation research principles to understand why telehealth services work well in some scenarios and not others. He evaluates the effectiveness of telehealth from multi-disciplinary perspectives including clinical effectiveness, patient perspectives, economic aspects, organisational aspects, and socio-cultural, ethical and legal aspects.

Liam also has an active research agenda in health informatics, in particular, in imaging informatics. Liam's work focusses on skin imaging for melanoma detection. Liam chairs dermatology working group for the DICOM standards development organisation as well as the technology standards working group for the International Skin Imaging Collaboration: Melanoma Project. This project is an academia and industry partnership designed to facilitate the application of digital skin imaging to help reduce melanoma mortality. Liam is technology lead for the Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis. Liam has previously been a member of the Standards Australia IT-014 Health Informatics technical committees for telehealth and messaging and communication.

Liam is Vice-President of the Australian Telehealth Society and an executive member of the International Teledermatology Society.

Liam has 25 years industry experience as a health informatician. His immediate past role was the Manager of Medical Imaging Informatics at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. Previously, Liam had over a decade's clinical experience as a diagnostic radiographer.

Featured projects Duration
International Skin Imaging Collaboration
ePIMH Telepsychiatry
Children’s Health Queensland/Children’s Health Foundation
First Nations telediabetes
Diamond Jubilee Partnerships
Cherbourg ENT
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
State-wide Rural and Remote Supportive and Specialist Palliative Care Telehealth Service Evaluation
Queensland Health
Australian Government, Department of Health: Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme Emerging Priorities grant
Evaluation of the Growing Resilience Program - Peer Support for Mental Wellness
Queensland Health
Telehealth for the delivery of cancer care in Australia: A rapid assessment of telehealth use and barriers and enablers to uptake during the COVID-19 pandemic
Commonwealth Government represented by Cancer Australia
Beyond COVID-19: Sustaining telehealth use among allied health services within Metro South Health
Metro South Health Research Support Scheme
Goondir Health Virtual Health Service
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN
Palliative Care ECHO
Health System Sustainability
National Health and Medical Research Council
First Nations Hepatitis C treatment
Queensland Health
Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis
Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Development of practice guidelines for teledermatology in Australia